Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April Photography

I have added new pictures, below my ramblings. Enjoy! Oh, and I do apologize for the images looking 'crispy' and over-edited, as I took them from my Facebook folder. What does this mean? You have to 'spruce up' your images quite a bit for them to look acceptable on Facebook. So, I suppose I should crank it back down when I post them here, but I'm not going to. I don't edit much anyway, let alone doing it for this blog. All is good. Come join me for some great picture taking!

I haven't even got photographs up for March, and now we're at the end of April as well! I will post some pictures, soon; I promise!

I'll get some photos up, soon! Until then, I want to get back into the 'health and wellness' business, so here are a couple links to pages I will be promoting. This is a part of my Mind-Body Relaxation Protocol, which consists of EFT Tapping In Prescott Arizona, as well as How To Do Meditation In Prescott. Although I'm part of the 'corporate world' now-a-days, I do still have time to teach photography as well as how to rid yourself of chronic pain, anxiety and stress. Visit these pages above, and I hope to talk with you soon. Give me a call at my phone number listed below.

Okay, so we managed to sneak out to Goldwater Lake and have some fun with the kayaks. What a blast, especially as we only live 5 minutes from the lake. Throw 'm in the back of the truck and go! It was warm, overcast and a bit windy, but still very nice. Didn't get to see any Bald Eagles this trip, but we know they are out there. Enjoy the images and have a great day! 

Kris Kelley
Photography Guide In Prescott
Prescott, Arizona
(928) 273-8666