Monday, December 31, 2018

New Years Eve 2018 Snow Pictures

What a suprise we had today, snowing most of the day, for the sum of about six inches. I figured it would snow a little, yet never expected this much! I'm extremely busy right now shoveling snow off the two decks and the driveway, but when I'm done, I'll get to posting some pictures!

Here are just a couple pictures of our New Years Eve snowstorm.

The last post of the year. Happy New Year!


Photography Videos 2018

As it snowed today, I would like to share with you a couple photography videos in Prescott Arizona I took with my iPhone 6s Plus. Not the greatest, as I'm not a videographer, but better than nothing!

These are all taken around our new house, our log cabin in the woods. The roads were to slick to go anywhere, (we didn't make it downtown to the boot drop,) so we just stayed home. It wasn't that we received that much snow, but that it was really slick on the roads. After reading about all the accidents in the local paper and on Facebook, I'm glad we stayed home!

Update: 1/5/19 - The photography videos in Prescott Arizona were taken of our log cabin and down the front street. Just testing out my videography skills!

After posting the below photography videos, I noticed they are very small. If you want to actually be able to SEE what's going on in the videos, click on the 'full screen' mode of the video.

Kristopher Kelley
Photography Guide In Prescott Arizona
(928) 273-8666

P.S. - Call me right now if you want to improve your photography skills!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

December 30th Post

Holding space here for end of the year pictures.

Kauai Vacation Pictures

As it's been very cold here with lows around 13 degrees, I figured I'd create a 'warm' page of posts! So, this blog post will be about our vacation a couple years ago to Kauai, Hawaii. We spent a week in a cabin up in the middle of the rain forest. We had to buy our own food and cook for ourselves.

This may not sound like much of a vacation for most, but for us it was ideal. Why? Because we were there to hike, not visit all the regular tourist traps. Sure, we got out to see the ocean and eat some good food, but our main purpose was to hit as many hiking trails as we could. And we did!

So, as soon as I have a bit more time, I'll put up a BUNCH of pictures of our trip, as I took over 1,400 pictures in 7 days. They are with my iPhone, but still very high quality. So, until next time...

Kristopher Kelley
Photography Guide In Prescott
(928) 273-8666

Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Daily Shot

This post entitled, The Daily Shot, may begin a new thread for daily postings of a select picture. Similar to what I've been doing on Facebook. Oh, and you can check out my Photography Guide In Prescott Facebook page here: Photography Guide In Prescott. It's where I spend most of my time.

I'm also just holding space here for the end of the year. Always looks good to have a few posts in a month, even if I'm busy. I still haven't posted a lot of pictures here, as I've been super busy taking more pictures, or working my other job.

Kristopher Kelley

Friday, December 28, 2018

New Years Eve Pictures

This blog post will contain New Years Eve Pictures in Prescott Arizona. Obviously this event hasn't occurred yet, so pictures and verbiage will follow! Should be fun, down on 'Whiskey Row' in Prescott Arizona, watching the 'boot drop!' I will probably only have my iPhone, but it's better than nothing. To many people milling around bumping into me to tote around the big camera. Besides, I'm here to have fun, with photography second.

So, look forward to some great New Years Eve pictures in Prescott Arizona, and as Whiskey Row is right across from the County Courthouse, I will probably add pictures of that, here, as well!

Kristopher Kelley
Photography Guide In Prescott
(928) 273-8666

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Holiday Images In Prescott Arizona

This blog will cover holiday images in Prescott Arizona. Unfortunately, I don't have time to fill in this blog post, so it will have to wait. One would think that this time of the year, between Christmas and New Years, would slow down just a bit. Not! So, when I have time, I'll add some photos here.

Kristopher Kelley
Photography Guide In Prescott
(928) 273-8666

Friday, December 7, 2018

Yellowstone Pictures

This blog post will consist of Yellowstone pictures from our trip there in the summer of 2017. That was the first visit I have made to Yellowstone National Park, and it was great! I think we were there for about four days, and was not nearly long enough to even get close to seeing all there is to see.

I'm not joking when I say that I could spend years in that park taking pictures. My love for outdoor and nature photography knows no bounds, especially when it is combined with such beauty. I will add more Yellowstone pictures when I have time, as for now, this blog is not my priority.

I'm super busy, so here are just two images on our way to Yellowstone. These pictures were taken out the window of the plane, on our way from Las Vegas to Idaho Falls. Then we drove the rest of the way to the south entrance to the park. I will get more Yellowstone pictures posted when I have time.

I have to admit that although the two pictures above aren't spectacular, they are pretty darned good for being shot out of an airplane, through a murky window, with an iPhone. I will post more Yellowstone pictures soon, I promise!

Kris Kelley
Photography Guide In Prescott
(928) 273-8666

P.S. - Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in improving your photography skills. I offer in-person, one day seminars. This seminar is very personalized, with a maximum number of students of only four. 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Prescott Christmas Parade

'They' say that equipment or your camera doesn't matter. It's all about the photographer. Chuckles. It certainly does matter...Your equipment, that is. We were down at the Prescott Christmas Parade, freezing our butts off, but it was fun. I only took a couple images as it was to cold to take my hands out of my pockets. The photos below were taken with my iPhone.

Zoom on these mobile devices is very poor as they don't have the extending and retractable lens. Thus, the camera DOES matter, as if I would have have the Canon I could have got some good pictures. Oh well. Thus, figure stuff out for yourself, don't just take peoples word for it. Most are full of shit, myself included! :-) I won't go into a rant here in regards to stupid people and stupid comments.

With that said, I'm unconcerned with getting 'good' pictures at the initial Yavapai County Courthouse lighting, as we will be down at the Prescott Courthouse many times before the holiday season is over with. As to the Prescott Christmas Parade, I didn't see a lot of photo-worthy opportunities, but that's just me. As I'm sure you can tell from the rest of my blog posts and photographs, I'm more of a nature/outdoor photographer.

So, here are just a couple pictures I could 'doctor up' well enough to post. I will certainly get more 'good' photos in the near future, when we visit the Yavapai County Courthouse with less people around. It's just to busy down there on a weekend.

P.S. - The U.S. flag on the top of the Yavapai County Courthouse was at half mast for the passing away of former President Bush.

Kris Kelley
Photography Guide In Prescott Arizona
(928) 273-8666