Sunday, November 11, 2018

Fall Photography In Prescott

Join us on this blog page for fall photography in Prescott and all the comments and images that come with! There is so much color here in Prescott Arizona in the fall, that between this page and the autumn page, they may continue on forever. Why? Because I have tons of pictures to post, with stories to go along with each one.

For now though, I don't have the time to spend hours writing it all up. I'm still working on the content for my actual seminars. I don't need a lot of content, as the majority is field work, but I do need to get some material together for people to think about prior to heading out on the trails. Unfortunately, fall photography in Prescott for this year is gone, and we will have to wait until next year.

But that is okay though! Why? Because my seminar isn't based on subjects, such as clouds, yellow leaves, red flowers, etc., etc., it's based on awareness training, lighting and angles. Why does this matter? Because what I teach is the core, regardless of topic or subject. Sure, it may make it easier to photography something you love, but you need to learn to have patience and go slow. This is what fall photography in Prescott Arizona is all about. Especially when some of the 'pretty' stuff goes away. If we slow down and pay attention to our surroundings, we can STILL see a lot of beauty, regardless of where we are.

Here are just a couple images of fall photography in Prescott until I can get to posting more content. I'll get on this soon enough, as it's a great topic!

Kristopher Kelley
(928) 273-8666

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