Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Photography Videos In Prescott

Photography videos in Prescott Arizona will be a blog post with links to the videos I will be creating. Hopefully I will create one today! Just FYI, videos are very labor intensive and time consuming, yet they make for great marketing tools. If they say a photo is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million, and I'm not joking. It's so much easier to talk into a camera for a couple minutes than it is to type out a bunch of words. And I'm good at typing! The time consuming part of it is in creating the video.

For me, I like to keep the photography videos in Prescott Arizona somewhat professional. Just like my EFT Tapping videos I created, which were quite a lot. Somewhere around 80 videos, I think. Never did much with them, as I just couldn't figure out how to market it to assist people. But, back to topic. How to keep them professional...First, I need a location where the background is semi-neutral. Not dark and not to bright. Also, the background should not be to busy, and I like to keep the camera level with my body and head. I don't want to appear to be talking down to the laptop or camera like most people do. Then of course I need to look half way decent. Then, the most difficult part of creating photography videos in Prescott Arizona, or any videos, is remembering to look into the camera, and remember the message, or what it is I have to say. Sounds easy, yes? Well, even after creating over 100 videos, I still get nervous and forget what I'm going to say. Then, once I've created a video that's up to specs, I then have to upload it to YouTube. This can take awhile as well.

Also, I don't edit the photography videos in Prescott Arizona. I'm not a videographer. I do my best to get something out there that's okay, and that's it. I even say this in my videos. It's to time consuming to sit around editing stuff, unless that's what you do for a living, or you have a lot of spare time. It's the same, for me, in regards to editing pictures. I'd rather be out shooting them!

So, I'm up early this morning getting my work done and getting ready to shoot some photography videos in Prescott Arizona. The first one will be in regards to what it is I can actually do FOR YOU as a photography guide in Prescott Arizona. It's crystal clear in my mind, yet, I know for a fact, especially with the word 'guide' in the title, that there will be some confusion in regards to what the heck it is I actually do. So, the first video will cover that, and of course what it is that I DON'T do.

Let me get my work done and get going on my first video. I've been 'scoping out our house' for areas to shoot the videos, so I'm somewhat prepared. Good luck to me, and have a great day! I'll post the first photography videos in Prescott Arizona here so you can take a look.

Kristopher Kelley
(928) 273-8666

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