Monday, November 19, 2018

Macro Photos In Prescott Arizona

Macro photos in Prescott Arizona will be a popular blog post here, as the majority of what I do is 'up-close' photography, bordering on macro photography in Prescott Arizona. I'm unsure of the 'technical' definition of macro photography, but I think it's a bit more 'magnified' than what I do, here.

Here, the pictures listed below, is an update to this post. The pictures of the frost listed below. It is getting cold here, and although 25 degrees may not be cold to many, it's cold enough for me! And, combined with a humid morning, we have frost. A couple of these images listed below are more like true macro photos in Prescott Arizona.

The photo above was taken on the morning of November 25th, 2018, across the street from our home. One thing I teach as a photography guide in Prescott Arizona is awareness training. This means that you are ALWAYS on the lookout for new subjects and topics to take pictures of, even close to your own home! Not to mention taking pictures INSIDE your home, but I will get to that in another blog post.

The photograph above is more in-line with the typical definition of macro photos in Prescott Arizona. Up close and detailed. If you zoom in close enough you can see the ice crystals, and at times it looks like the limb is coated with fuzz. I was freezing my butt off taking these shots as well! I'm not adjusted to this climate yet, obviously.

The picture listed above is obviously part of this group as well. One thing I teach in my seminar is to move your body to get the best angles and lighting. This often means that for great macro photos in Prescott Arizona we have to get down on our knees, or, down on our belly to get the shot. As you can see, above, I didn't get low enough. I had a blanket to buffer my knees on the ground, but still didn't get low enough. But, as I teach, practice makes perfect.

The photo above, again, is getting to close to what we refer to as macro photography, or as I label them, macro photos in Prescott Arizona for search engine reasons. Why? Because based on my SBI! software program, certain words and or phrases have higher demand to supply ratio. I won't say anymore, as I don't want to give all my secrets away. :-)

Yet another picture of the front. Another topic I emphasize is this, while looking at these images: Look at the angle and lighting changes you can make, not all the pretty fancy stuff you can do in LightRoom or PhotoShop. Why? Because that's another phase of your training, and it's not covered in what I teach. Same with operating your camera. You will need to learn that somewhere else. Is it important? Of course! But again, it's not what I'm teaching, here, in my seminar. So, let me get back to posting more about macro photos in Prescott Arizona, as it is my keyword phrase, here.

As with a couple of the other images listed above, this one above is getting closer to the truer definition of macro photography in Prescott Arizona. This is also, yet again, another photo that can be seriously improved upon. For macro photos in Prescott Arizona, you could certainly get closer, change your angles and lighting. There is a lot one can do with this image.

Okay, now back to my previous post and comments, which I will not change. The content may not flow, but that's okay. With that said, I'm going to list what I refer to as macro photos in Prescott Arizona as the majority of the population doesn't know technical definitions, and I really could care less either way. I'm just here to provide information on my seminar and what I do as a photography guide in Prescott, show you HOW to get those stunning shots, then send you on your way. :-)

For right now, I don't have the time for writing a lot of content for this blog page or any other one. I'm still putting together photography videos and content for the actual seminar. I will share a couple macro photos in Prescott Arizona for now, and will add more later. I'm unsure how much space Blogspot allows, but I do know photographs take up a lot of memory or space. I may have to list all my artwork over on my Shutterfly account, Google account, etc.

As soon as I can get my seminar information all finished up, which should be today, I can get to writing blog posts. To spell this out a bit further in regards to what it is I actually do, I'm not here to just list macro photos in Prescott Arizona for the world to see. Yes, they are nice, if I do say so myself, but that's not my purpose. My purpose is to post images and then have those with a critical eye, those choosing to 'up their game,' and improve their photography skills, to 'pick apart' my work.

What do I mean by that? I mean, look at each picture or image, and see how it could have been shot differently. Do not worry to much about color, or sharpness, etc., etc., because I'm not looking for a critique on post-processing, I'm looking for a critique on angles and lighting. That's what I teach, and what I want to teach to you! Again, I'm posting macro photos in Prescott Arizona to give you some examples of different angles and lighting. It is tough to do when you are not in the field, but it's good enough for the time being.

Once we get out in the field, then we can really look at the different angles and lighting. This is where my instruction comes into play. I will first show you have to FIND actual targets to shoot, which is simple but not easy, then work on the angles and lighting to get the perfect macro photos in Prescott Arizona that you can show off to all your friends.

Okay, that is enough content for now. Again, I certainly will get back to writing more here, but not at this time. I have a seminar to complete.

Kristopher Kelley
(928) 273-8666

P.S. - If you are interested in my seminar, please feel free to e-mail me or call me at my contact information listed above. I would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Also, if you would like to critique the macro photos in Prescott Arizona listed above, please feel free to do so in the comment section below.

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